B Pharmacy Students
It is to inform you that HK Technical PGIMS is organising a note making competition for B Pharmacy Students to express their talent.
Make note on following:
- B pharmacy 2nd to 8th semester: Prepare Notes on any topic related to B Pharmacy PCI Syllabus.
- Applicable to students of B Pharmacy 2nd or Higher or for those who are following B Pharmacy PCI Syllabus.
Mode of competition | Online submission |
Date of commencement | 1st September, 2021 |
Deadline | 20th Sept., 2021 (Extended to 25th Sept., 2021 ) |
Result | Check Result (Result Analysis Video on Instagram & YouTube) |
1st position | Prize worth (₹500 – ₹1500)** + Prime Membership to Team HK Technical |
2nd position | Prize worth (₹325 – ₹500)** |
All Participants | Certificate + Name published on HKT PGIMS Web Portal |
Criteria for Making Notes: –
- Prepare written or typed notes both on A4 Sheet.
- Essential criteria for 1st page:
- Mention your Name, Standard, Course with full college/institute name, Your City/Address.
- Mention your social media profiles such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Websites, Emails, etc. with hyperlink if any.
- Date of starting – Date of finishing this project.
- Logo of your institution/college/university.
- Write at bottom: “I agree to publish these notes on HK Technical and sharing with students. -Your_Name”.
Tips/Rules to win prize: –
- Prepare neat and clean notes.
- Use your own writing, ideas and designs.
- Content must be genuine.
- You may use colour pens for written notes.
- Use following criteria for typed notes in word format
- Font: Times New Roman 12
- Heading: Bold, Times New Roman 13/14
- Quality and Quantity both are considered.
- Notes should have – Diagrams/Flow charts to make your notes more attractive and effective.
- Don’t miss any points from Notes Making Criteria and Submission Tip.
- All submission will be analyzed by the Team HK Technical and winner will be announced.
- Only For Winners: Our team will verify your Original hard copy of notes by asking you to send us via post or any other mean as convenience. + Also verify your college identity by your recent semester marksheet or any other document.
Mode of Submission:
- Register with email on HKT PGIMS Prime Competition. And create your Participant Profile. A tutorial video for “How to create participant profile” already given on that page. Get the Participant ID for e.g., hktprime-594190
- Scan notes via scanner application (Either App or office Scanner) or make pdf by any mean in neat and clean format of A4 Sheet in a single pdf file.
- Using same registered email, Send your notes via email on [email protected]
- Mention Email Subject as “HKT PGIMS Prime Competition II” + include your Participant ID in email body.
- Or If the pdf size is more than 20 MB, send it via Google Drive link. + Mail your Participant ID using same email.
- Upload notes on your google drive and share the file link with [email protected].
- Ensure that you will get a confirmation email reply for your submission with in 48hours. For further query, feel free to contact us.
*Results will be announced and prize distribution will be made within one month of the end of the competition.
**1st Prize worth will be between minimum amount of ₹500 and maximum amount of ₹1500. 2nd Prize worth will be between minimum amount of ₹325 and maximum amount of ₹500. Prize worth may vary on number of participants. More number of participants → more prize worth. Minimum participants 25 required to succeed the competition. So, please share to each and every student.
Note: HK Technical PGIMS reserves the right to change/withdraw the notice and modify the competition criteria at any time without any prior announcement.
HK Technical PGIMS is free service managed by HK Technical & Pharmacists, SDPGIPS Rohtak to help students in Pharmacy Education. Initiated by Mr. Harkesh and the Team HK Technical. Giving their best to help the students in pharmacy education. If you are having any query regarding services provided by HK Technical, please feel free to contact.
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