Biochemistry is one of the subjects in the 2nd semester of B Pharmacy. It deals with complete understanding of the molecular levels of the chemical process associated with living cells.. Nirali Publication Books are one of the best selling books most widely considered in B Pharmacy Education. Below are the links are given to Biochemistry Nirali Publication for B Pharmacy 2nd Semester format for Biochemistry.
Biochemistry ebook 2nd Semester Free Download
Biochemistry PDF 2nd Semester
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Nirali Biochemistry free ebook download
Specs of Biochemistry Nirali Publication ebook:
This ebook comprises of following features:
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Glycolysis – Pathway, energetics and significance
- Citric acid cycle- Pathway, energetics and significance
- HMP shunt and its significance; Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
- Glycogen metabolism Pathways and glycogen storage diseases (GSD) Gluconeogenesis- Pathway and its significance
- Hormonal regulation of blood glucose level and Diabetes mellitus
- Biological oxidation
- Electron transport chain (ETC) and its mechanism.
- Oxidative phosphorylation & its mechanism and substrate level phosphorylation
- Inhibitors ETC and oxidative phosphorylation/Uncouplers
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Lipid metabolism
- β-Oxidation of saturated fatty acid (Palmitic acid)
- Formation and utilization of ketone bodies; ketoacidosis
- De novo synthesis of fatty acids (Palmitic acid)
- Biological significance of cholesterol and conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, steroid hormone and vitamin D
- Disorders of lipid metabolism: Hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, fatty liver and obesity.
- Amino acid metabolism
- General reactions of amino acid metabolism: Transamination, deamination & decarboxylation, urea cycle and its disorders
- Catabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine and their metabolic disorders (Phenyketonuria, Albinism, alkeptonuria, tyrosinemia)
- Synthesis and significance of biological substances; 5-HT, melatonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline
- Catabolism of heme; hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice
- Lipid metabolism
- Nucleic acid metabolism and genetic information transfer
- Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides
- Catabolism of purine nucleotides and Hyperuricemia and Gout disease
- Organization of mammalian genome
- Structure of DNA and RNA and their functions
- DNA replication (semi conservative model)
- Transcription or RNA synthesis
- Genetic code, Translation or Protein synthesis and inhibitors
- Nucleic acid metabolism and genetic information transfer
- Biomolecules
- Introduction, classification, chemical nature and biological role of carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and proteins.
- Biomolecules
- With some weird diagrams, Biochemistry Nirali Publication still manages to explain the mechanism and actions with flowcharts and images.
Biochemistry Nirali Publication PDF Free Download link is given below you can download the ebook directly by clicking the link given below.
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