In this life that we are living, we do and go through many things. Right from the age that we start to form memories we are filled with various kinds of thoughts and wishes. From very silly things like wanting your favourite toy to very big dreams, desires, fulfilling a bucket list and what not? While all these things differ for different people there is something that is common for all of us, including Mother Nature. Aging it is. Isn’t it a beautiful process? But the thing is that even though it is beautiful it is scary at times, right? Death is inevitable and sadly we can’t live backwards but the good news is that we have ways to age healthily like that of a fine wine. Feel younger than your biological age. Let’s see how to reverse aging.
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We know that cells contain chromosomes and at the tip of this chromosome there is a telomere. It protects the chromosome when it divides and it reaches at an end point where the cell can’t divide anymore and cell death happens. Telomeres are the maximum size when we are born and start to become smaller as we age. So by measuring the length of the telomere we can tell what is our cellular age which can be done by a simple blood test.
From an example elaborated by Dr. Alok Sharma, a brain surgeon, we can undergo certain interventions and see the before and after. He further stated that he decided to check his cellular age which showed 85 while his real age was 60. In utter shock he decides to go into his own anti-aging program for 40 days. After these 40 days his cellular age was 70. He continued this for another 40 days and brought his cellular age to 60, his actual birth age. One thing to note down is that the therapies that he underwent were non stem cell related, completely non-invasive. Hyperbaric oxygen (for those living in the cities) therapies, ozone therapies, gut cleansing…all close to nature.
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- A clear mind, the ability to think clearly more precisely lifting up the brain fog.
- Physically more active and energetic.
- Improved blood glucose levels
- Improved liver function
- Improved kidney function
Of course it benefits the whole body. A woman claims that she who came in a wheelchair due to her severe knee problem, after participating in this anti- aging program she walked to a temple on a hill. A total of roughly about 28 km up and down. A huge difference!
- The first and foremost is oxygen. Today where can we find fresh air to breathe in these heavily populated cities? This explains why people are more prone to diseases, especially respiratory problems. To feel healthier, younger and sharper we can oxygenate our body. Remember why people used to sit below the banyan tree in ancient times? Surround yourselves with plants be it in your apartment or at your office desk.
- Deep breathing: Observe yourself right now, the way you breathe. We are shallow breathers. We need to start breathing deeply. This helps to deliver more oxygen into your body. It also calms down your body naturally.
- Water: We drink water only when we are thirsty which itself indicates that we are dehydrated. The key is to keep ourselves hydrated at all times. Drink 2-3 litres of water. Staying hydrated has shown to increase longevity via a study conducted in rats administered with less or restricted amounts of water. Serum sodium levels serving as a risk factor.
- Food: Take foods that are natural rather than the processed ones. Taking vegetables, fruits or nuts 3 times a day can help in reverse aging. A lot changes when we swap our diet with the one that is closer to nature.
- Exercise: In this fast paced world, everyone is sprinting until they finally notice that they can no more due to their health that they have ignored in the long run. We need to have proper blood circulation through our whole body. Exercise doesn’t always need to be hitting the gym. It can be as simple as walking, dancing or you know what’s even funnier – running behind your toddler.
- Sleep: Getting proper sleep will do wonders. Our body grows and also heals when we sleep. Our brain or more like our subconscious mind calculates and puts everything in order when we sleep. The stressing situation, the worries, problems we are facing are sorted or better understood. We might be unaware but our body has a great healing capacity. A 7-8 hr. of sleep should not be compromised. Waking naturally without any external stimuli is an ideal sleep.
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- Consume a variety of foods such as to obtain a cocktail of vitamins.
- Eating a cup of fruits before or after your meals with berries in it. Any sort of berries, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, mulberry… which are essentially good for skin and contribute to reverse aging.
- Including green leafy vegetables and nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts… into your daily diet plays a major role in anti-aging.
- Fishes, namely anchovies, salmon, mackerel, sardines etc. are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Take care so as to not overcook these while eating.
- Yoghurt: Good for the gut since it is a probiotic and is good for skin and also helps in maintaining skin moisture.
- Lean proteins: Chicken (cooked in a healthy way), egg white, bean sprouts, boiled green gram.
- Carrots, apples, beetroots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins… are high in beta-carotene which helps to attain glowing skin. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A which is essential for good eyesight and apart from this they are having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which protects the cell from damage.
- Decrease sugar and intake of other refined ingredients.
- Eat unsaturated fat containing foods like avocados, extra virgin olive oil, chia seeds, dark chocolate…
We are running away from the very thing essential for our growth and healing. One thing to remember at all times is to eat your food like medicine or else you might start eating medicines like your food. Most of them realise this only at the tail end. Good health is always a luxury which many are not gifted with. Respect and take care of what we are blessed with while we still can.
Written by Gayathri Gopinadh