
Honeybee Venom In Cancer Treatment: A Promising Approach 

The venom of honeybees, called aspartoxin, has garnered attention recently because it may be used to cure cancer. Numerous laboratory and preclinical investigations have shown the venom’s promising anticancer effects. The venom comprises a mixture of proteins, peptides, and enzymes. This article explores how honeybee venom is used in medicine today to target and treat […]

Honeybee Venom In Cancer Treatment: A Promising Approach  Read More »

Can Your Body Fight Cancer? Exploring Cancer Immunotherapy

Introduction Immunotherapy Immunotherapy is the treatment of any disease condition with the aid of our immune system . Immune cells that have been activated or genetically modified are used to treat any particular medical condition . A type of Immunotherapy used to treat cancer is cancer immunotherapy.  Immune System The immune system protects the body

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