Plant diet

Preventing UTI: The Role of Over-the-Counter Medications

 Introduction Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the infections that affect the urinary system. The urinary system removes wastes, toxins, and even harmful bacteria; Failure of the urinary tract to remove the bacteria’s leads to infections. The Urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladders and urethra) can be affected by infection, but lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) […]

Preventing UTI: The Role of Over-the-Counter Medications Read More »

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment.

You are frustrated for not being able to attend a meeting because you forgot the dates or just cannot find your car keys.  You have a cascade of events going wrong following a single moment of memory lapse. Do you know, this happens with older people quite frequently?  Not due to occasional forgetfulness but, because

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment. Read More »


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