Health treatment

Honeybee Venom In Cancer Treatment: A Promising Approach 

The venom of honeybees, called aspartoxin, has garnered attention recently because it may be used to cure cancer. Numerous laboratory and preclinical investigations have shown the venom’s promising anticancer effects. The venom comprises a mixture of proteins, peptides, and enzymes. This article explores how honeybee venom is used in medicine today to target and treat […]

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Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Gain

Introduction Intermittent fasting (IF) has become a popular dietary approach for weight management and enhancing overall health. The impact of IF in muscle building is a topic of interest among fitness enthusiasts. This article explores the relationship between intermittent fasting and muscle gain, providing insights into how IF can be effectively combined with muscle-building goals.

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PET and PET/CT: Advancements in Modern Medicine Imaging

What is a PET scan? Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans utilize a radioactive material known as a tracer; they examine the body for abnormalities. It can be used to monitor How do PET scans work? PET detects photons—subatomic particles—emitted by a radionuclide in the organ or tissue under examination via a scanning device. Process of

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Nephrotic Syndrome: Protecting Your Kidneys

What is Nephrotic Syndrome? A kidney disease called nephrotic syndrome makes the body excrete an excessive amount of protein in urine. The destruction to the small blood artery clusters in the kidneys, which remove waste and extra water from the blood, is typically what causes nephrotic syndrome. In addition to increasing the risk of other

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Lithotripsy and Lithotripters: Solutions for Kidney Stone Removal

What is lithotripsy? Kidney stones can form when materials that are usually eliminated by the kidneys stay in the urinary tract and solidify. Kidney stones can pass through the urinary tract painlessly because they are smooth or tiny enough. Some stones can be extremely painful to pass through or become trapped in the urinary tract.

Lithotripsy and Lithotripters: Solutions for Kidney Stone Removal Read More »

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment.

You are frustrated for not being able to attend a meeting because you forgot the dates or just cannot find your car keys.  You have a cascade of events going wrong following a single moment of memory lapse. Do you know, this happens with older people quite frequently?  Not due to occasional forgetfulness but, because

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment. Read More »

How Probiotics Can Transform Your IBS Journey

Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common Gastrointestinal syndrome. It is characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. IBS impacts the quality of life and daily functioning of affected individuals. It affects approximately 10-15% of the global population. Probiotics are live microorganisms when administered in adequate amounts, show health benefits. Besides their many health

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