Gastroenteritis, when broken down; Gastro means stomach, entero meaning small intestine and itis refers to inflammation. So putting together gastroenteritis is the inflammation of the stomach as well as intestine. This mainly occurs due to the ingestion of contaminated food or water. During monsoon season, especially in tropical countries with the climate being warm is a favourable condition for the microorganism to grow and there will be an increase in microbes in food and drinks. Whenever we eat food that is not fresh or consumption of food sold on road-side, that is less hygienic or proper hygiene is not maintained, the risk of getting an infection is pretty high.
- Chills
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Stomach cramps or pain
- Diarrhoea/ Bloody Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Vomiting repeatedly
- Hypotension
- Bloating
- Fatigue (due to loss of electrolytes and nutrients)
- Hypovolemic shock in severe cases.
The symptoms above mentioned can last from a few days to a week.
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- Viral: Rotavirus (common), Norovirus (common), Adenovirus, Astrovirus
- Bacterial: E.coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, S. aureus, C. difficile, C. perfringens
- Parasitic: Cryptosporidium, Giardia
- Due to chemical toxin
- Reaction to any medicine
- Faecal- oral transmission
- Someone with gastroenteritis, after defecation, if they don’t wash their hands clean enough it might be contaminated.
- Now when they come in contact with any surface, foods or drinks that you may touch or eat the contaminated food or drinks then it is passed onto you making you infected.
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- Physical examination
- Stool testing
- Complete Blood Count – eosinophilia can indicate parasitic infection.
- Taking history of the patient’s recent activities like places travelled to, type of foods they have taken lately, contact with any infected person, intake of any medicine that can be a cause of gastroenteritis.
- Maintain good hydration and adequate nutrition.
- If the patient is having stomach cramps, then we must avoid foods high in fibre as this can lead to increased probability of cramping.
- Oral Rehydration Therapy- Intake a lot of fluids especially with extra salt.
- Drinking plain water may lead to a further decrease in sodium level.
- Juices, ORS, electral powder or clear soup can be given.
- Try to incorporate buttermilk with extra salt in large quantities because this is a probiotic and salt to correct the sodium levels.
- If the symptoms persist and the person is experiencing fever then antibiotics are given after consultation.
- Any kind of body pain then paracetamol can be administered but never rely solely on these do consult a doctor.
- Avoid heavy work, be it mental or physical until you recover. Physical rest must be given to the patient so as to make a fast recovery.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Restricting yourself from going out until the infection contamination period is over.
- Peel the fruits before eating so that the outermost layer is removed.
- Wash your hands before and after eating.
- Don’t drink or eat foods that have been kept open.
- Check expiry dates before buying packed food items or beverages.
- While travelling to any place where the safety of water is suspected, use bottled water.
- Eating foods refrigerated for a long time can be avoided.
- Avoid sharing towels and toilet seats and toiletries with infected ones.
- Avoid sharing food and drinks with them.
Written by Gayathri Gopinadh