HAP-2 DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION BANK Download Question Paper PDF BPharmacy 2nd Semester 2022
📑 BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Title: |
Course: | BPharmacy |
Semester/Year: | 2nd Semester |
Subject: | BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
Session: | 2022 |
Category: | Question Paper |
BPharmacy Previous Year's Question Papers BPharm 2nd Semester Human Anatomy and Physiology |
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- Explain in detail the anatomy of the cerebrum and add a note on sensory areas of the cerebrum.
- Describe the neurotransmitters in the Nervous system, and add a note on Astrocytes. 3) Explain generation of action potential, and describe circulation of Cerebrospinal fluid.
- Explain the formation, composition, and functions of Cerebrospinal fluid, add a note on spinal meninges.
- Draw neat labelled diagram of a neuron. Explain the phases of action potential generation in neuron.
- List the parts of the brain, and explain the anatomy and physiology of Diencephalon.
- With the help of neat labelled diagram explain the internal anatomy of Spinal cord, and list the components of reflex arc.
- Explain the structure of reflex arc with neat labelled diagram.
- Describe the neuroglia of Nervous system.
- Explain in detail the functional organisation of Cerebrum
- Explain in detail the anatomy of cerebrum and add a note on motor areas of the cerebrum.
- With a help of neat labeleld diagram, describe the structure of a Neuron, and give the classification of neurons.
- Describe in detail the structure and functions of parts of brain stem.
- Explain the process of oxygen transport in blood, and factors affecting affinity of Haemoglobin for oxygen.
- Write a note on carbondioxide transport, and explain the chemical reaction that occur during gaseous exchange.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of respiratory system and write a note on respiratory centres
- Describe how the blood transports oxygen and enlist factors affecting affinity of Hb for oxygen.
- Define Pulmonary ventilation, explain in detail inhalation and exhalation and factors affecting pulmonary ventilation
- Write a note on regulation of respiratory centres.
- Draw a labelled diagram of lungs showing bronchial tree and add a note on alveoli.
- Describe in detail the process of transport of oxygen in blood.
- Explain the anatomy and histology of lungs with help of neat labelled diagram.
- Explain with the help of spirogram lung volumes and lung capacities.
- Discuss in detail functions of Liver, and add a note on Hepatocyte.
- Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and lipids in the small intestine.
- With the help of neat labelled diagram explain the anatomy and histology of small intestine.
- Describe the structure of liver with help of a diagram, and enlist the functions of liver.
- Write a note on mechanical and chemical digestion in stomach.
- Give detail account on chemical digestion in Small Intestine.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of Urinary system and add a note on Micturition reflex.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of Nephron and enlist the functions of kidney.
- Explain the internal anatomy of kidney with the help of neat labelled diagram.
- Explain the process of formation of dilute urine.
- Explain in detail the blood supply to the kidney and write a short note on ureters.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of the section of kidney and list the functions of kidney.
- Describe in detail the anatomy of the urinary bladder and add a note on the micturition process?
- Describe the process of formation of concentrated urine.
- Explain pancreas as an endocrine gland and add a note on glucagon and insulin secretion.
- Explain the anatomy and histology of adrenal gland with labelled diagrams, add a note on mineralocorticoids.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of pituitary gland. Write a note on anterior pituitary cells and their hormones.
- Explain structure of pituitary and explain the posterior pituitary hormones.
- Explain formation, storage and release of thyroid hormones.
- Explain the different chemical classes of hormones. Add a note on mechanism of hormone action with the help of neat labelled diagram.
- Describe the process of spermatogenesis and add a note on sperm.
- Explain in detail various ducts involved in male reproductive system.
- With help of a neat labelled diagram describe the structure of Uterus.
- Draw a neat labelled diagram of histology of ovary. Explain the process of oogenesis.
- With help of neat labelled diagram explain the internal structure of testis.
- Explain the accessory sex glands of the male reproductive system and add a note on semen.
- Explain in detail phases of Female Menstrual Cycle
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