HAP-2 DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION BANK Download Question Paper PDF BPharmacy 2nd Semester 2022

HAP-2 DESCRIPTIVE QUESTION BANK Download Question Paper PDF BPharmacy 2nd Semester 2022

📑 BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II



Course: BPharmacy
Semester/Year: 2nd Semester
Subject: BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Session: 2022
Category: Question Paper
BPharmacy Previous Year's Question Papers BPharm 2nd Semester Human Anatomy and Physiology


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BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II BPharmacy 2nd Semester
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  1. Explain in detail the anatomy of the cerebrum and add a note on sensory areas of the cerebrum.
  2. Describe the neurotransmitters in the Nervous system, and add a note on Astrocytes. 3) Explain generation of action potential, and describe circulation of Cerebrospinal fluid.
  3. Explain the formation, composition, and functions of Cerebrospinal fluid, add a note on spinal meninges.
  4. Draw neat labelled diagram of a neuron. Explain the phases of action potential generation in neuron. 
  5. List the parts of the brain, and explain the anatomy and physiology of Diencephalon.
  6. With the help of neat labelled diagram explain the internal anatomy of Spinal cord, and list the components of reflex arc.
  7. Explain the structure of reflex arc with neat labelled diagram.
  8. Describe the neuroglia of Nervous system.
  9. Explain in detail the functional organisation of Cerebrum
  10. Explain in detail the anatomy of cerebrum and add a note on motor areas of the cerebrum.
  11. With a help of neat labeleld diagram, describe the structure of a Neuron, and give the classification of neurons.
  12. Describe in detail the structure and functions of parts of brain stem.
  13. Explain the process of oxygen transport in blood, and factors affecting affinity of Haemoglobin for oxygen.
  14. Write a note on carbondioxide transport, and explain the chemical reaction that occur during gaseous exchange.
  15. Draw a neat labelled diagram of respiratory system and write a note on respiratory centres
  16. Describe how the blood transports oxygen and enlist factors affecting affinity of Hb for oxygen.
  17. Define Pulmonary ventilation, explain in detail inhalation and exhalation and factors affecting pulmonary ventilation
  18. Write a note on regulation of respiratory centres.
  19. Draw a labelled diagram of lungs showing bronchial tree and add a note on alveoli.
  20. Describe in detail the process of transport of oxygen in blood.
  21. Explain the anatomy and histology of lungs with help of neat labelled diagram.
  22. Explain with the help of spirogram lung volumes and lung capacities.
  23. Discuss in detail functions of Liver, and add a note on Hepatocyte.
  24. Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and lipids in the small intestine.
  25. With the help of neat labelled diagram explain the anatomy and histology of small intestine.
  26. Describe the structure of liver with help of a diagram, and enlist the functions of liver.
  27. Write a note on mechanical and chemical digestion in stomach.
  28. Give detail account on chemical digestion in Small Intestine.
  29. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Urinary system and add a note on Micturition reflex.
  30. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Nephron and enlist the functions of kidney.
  31. Explain the internal anatomy of kidney with the help of neat labelled diagram.
  32. Explain the process of formation of dilute urine.
  33. Explain in detail the blood supply to the kidney and write a short note on ureters.
  34. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the section of kidney and list the functions of kidney.
  35. Describe in detail the anatomy of the urinary bladder and add a note on the micturition process?
  36. Describe the process of formation of concentrated urine.
  37. Explain pancreas as an endocrine gland and add a note on glucagon and insulin secretion.
  38. Explain the anatomy and histology of adrenal gland with labelled diagrams, add a note on mineralocorticoids.
  39. Draw a neat labelled diagram of pituitary gland. Write a note on anterior pituitary cells and their hormones.
  40. Explain structure of pituitary and explain the posterior pituitary hormones.
  41. Explain formation, storage and release of thyroid hormones.
  42. Explain the different chemical classes of hormones. Add a note on mechanism of hormone action with the help of neat labelled diagram.
  43. Describe the process of spermatogenesis and add a note on sperm.
  44. Explain in detail various ducts involved in male reproductive system.
  45. With help of a neat labelled diagram describe the structure of Uterus.
  46. Draw a neat labelled diagram of histology of ovary. Explain the process of oogenesis.
  47. With help of neat labelled diagram explain the internal structure of testis.
  48. Explain the accessory sex glands of the male reproductive system and add a note on semen.
  49. Explain in detail phases of Female Menstrual Cycle


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