Thinking and overthinking. Do you know the difference between these two terms? If you don’t know clearly what differentiates them then what is the point in thinking solutions for overthinking? You are thinking deeply, solution focused – so as to find the solution of a problem that you are facing say you are thinking purposefully then that is thinking. Overthinking is more likely a open ended or no end thinking meaning you are thinking not to reach upon any end, to find any solution or to gain any insight. 

Image Source: https://openspacecounselling.ca/interrupting-the-overthinking-cycle/

Mistaken for overthinking

You are going through a major crisis and you are constantly thinking ways to get out of it, analysing the situation and thinking at different levels. It is not overthinking. We do this because of the urging of our brain for the need to find a solution as fast as possible. If you don’t think like this then you wont be able to reach a solution so don’t mistake this for overthinking. 

Thinking the same thing multiple times a day and can’t seem to take it out of your head. Thoughts that have no end, ending of a thought gives rise to another one which is closely related and like that it goes on and you get trapped in a cycle or loop of thoughts. Now this is what we are talking about.

Overthinking are the thoughts that have no end, then within itself lies the solution. Yes, create an end to it. 

How does this happen?

  •   Have you ever had food poison, diarrhoea or vomiting? This can happen when you consume something that isn’t healthy for you and your body responds this way. Similarly, what you feed your mind is also important. You feed good, you think good. You feed bad, be ready to take it as well.
  • Overthinking roots from stress and worry and moreover when you feel that you are powerless in a situation and can’t do anything to gain control over it.
  • Traumatic events contributes in overthinking. Negligence, abusive childhood or experiencing something that is very unpleasant all leads to overthinking.
  • Being a perfectionist – They tend to do things perfectly and if they happen to find any imperfections or can’t seem to correct any of their mistakes, they might start to dwell upon things that can happen due to this 1 mistake.

Physical and mental effects due to overthinking

  • Increased levels of stress and tension
  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • HTN and prolonged BP can lead to cardiovascular risks, diabetes
  • Muscle pain
  • Decreased appetite
  • Disturbances in sleep patterns and insomnia
  • Digestive problems – decreased blood flow due to stress
  • IBD – Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Weakened immune system due to high cortisol levels
  • Decreased calm of mind.

Stop Overthinking

1. First and the most important thing you need to understand is that you cannot control every aspect of your life. Each life on this planet has sufferings, miseries and they will continue to be a part of life as long as you live. Cope with this reality. Just take a look around everyone will have something that they are deeply unhappy about and if you don’t spot it then it doesn’t mean that they are void of it but they are simply good at containing it.

2. Now to stop or to get a hold on overthinking, first you need to feel the desire to control it.

3. Just journal it – Pour the thoughts that pull you into depths and now analyse this and find on which of these you can get a control. 

4. Scheduling a worry time (20-30 min) also works. Note that you only for this period of time in a day. Find solutions to the one you can and learn to leave behind the ones on which you can’t gain any control, find any solution.

Image Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/a36411708/how-to-stop-overthinking/

5. Develop a mindset “So what?” if you tend to overthink about small small things. Say you have failed an exam, ask yourself so what? So your parents scold you. Again ask “so what? You can try harder next time.”

 – “What if I fail again?”

– “That is something to worry about after attending the exam and even if you do, so what? Try again or go for a different path, a new one that you like.”

            In this way try reasoning with yourself and eventually you will find that the problem is like peeling an onion to its core, you find nothing but everything was in your mind.

6. Overthinking doesn’t solve any problem it just takes the away todays peace of mind. Even if you overthink or not what is bound to happen will always happen and you will have to go through it. Rather than destroying your peace by overthinking preserve your peace and reassure yourself that whatever that is coming in my way let it be and i will overcome it. 

7. Learn to take things lightly. Taking seriously everything you see or hear doesn’t do you any good. This mindset can make you powerful, boost your confidence and make you care free.

8. Practicing Meditation tremendously helps you to calm your mind and give you inner strength.

9. Exercise can help with this situation. Moreover it serves as a distraction.

10. Monitor the relationships you have in your life. Their thoughts influence you also.

11. Learn something new the moment you start to overthink. Learn the lyrics of a song, learn an instrument, a dance, cook a new dish…

Thoughts are the foundation of the world that we see now and it have the capacity to create a new one too. Think good feel good. Overthinking destroys your peace but know that “A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your battles.” So relax. Everything is going to be fine.

Written by Gayathri Gopinadh


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