All of us are familiar with probiotics but what about prebiotics? Do you believe that there are around 60 trillions of bacteria, as many as the human cells in a person, live in our large intestine? Yes it is true and when I say bacteria it doesn’t mean that we have to get rid of them as soon as possible because they cause some disease. These are beneficial bacteria. They help us live. Now prebiotics are something that keeps them healthy and also help in their growth.
Probiotics are microbial preparations of either live cultures or lyophilized powder of beneficial bacteria that are intended to restore and maintain gut flora. Prebiotics are defined as indigestible fibres that selectively stimulate the growth of these beneficial bacteria in the colon. The beneficial bacteria utilise these indigestible fibres as the source of energy and these fibres are then converted into short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) namely butyrate, propionate and acetate which are very beneficial for the body.
Most important thing needed is fibre. In other words fibre is the food for these bacteria.
- It is a staple food especially for Asians and various types of rice are available
- Whole bran rice is what we must eat. It will have a brownish black colour to it.
- These types of rice contain 70-80% of fibre in it.
- Parboiled (partially boiled) rice contains only 20% fibre in it.
- White rice does not even contain 5% fibre, it is just glucose and has nearly no benefits.
- Not the pickles available out in the market which are very spicy that we generally use.
- Pickles with a little amount of vinegar in it is what we must consider. This helps in the growth of these bacteria.
- The green olive pickle is something that meets this qualification and has a very rich bacterial count.
- Salted mango pickles with less spices which is even though an ancient dish still followed to consume, it is helpful in increasing these bacterial counts.
- It is a kind of vinegar extracted from apples.
- The clear vinegar extracted does not have this benefit but the one with the mother has it.
- Once or twice consuming a tablespoonful of ACV with the mother in a glass of water 30 min before meal is very rewarding to us.
- It also helps with GERD and was also found to be helpful in weight loss due its property to slow down digestion.
- In some people yogurt can’t be consumed because they may cause phlegm but for those who can consume it; moderate consumption increases the bacterial count.
- Raw buttermilk consumption serves this purpose although when heated the benefits are decreased.
- Rich in fibre, omega 3 fats and protein.
- You can use it in baking, bread crumbs, on pasteurised chicken, wild caught seafood, mixing with stir fry or yogurt or blending with smoothies.
- It contains a type of fibre called inulin which acts as a prebiotic.
- Artichoke is loaded with nutrients, contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and is low in fat.
- Its extract is also not any less but is an equally popular supplement.
- Overall this helps to improve the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
- They all come under the same botanical family.
- Raw leeks, raw onions and raw garlic serves as an excellent source of prebiotics.
- Leeks containing inulin, garlic containing fructooligosaccharide whereas onion containing both are the factors leading to its prebiotic activity.
- It has a type of fibre called pectin.
- This prebiotic fibre with a gel-like structure is occupied in okra at high amounts.
- Packed with fibre, this vegetable has the capacity to decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.
- Cells of colon 60-70% energy from SCFAs oxidation.
- SCFAs exhibit anti-inflammatory effects in the gut.
- They also regulate the bowel movement that reduce diarrhoea and
- Improve symptoms of inflammatory diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease since they are anti-inflammatory.
- As discussed earlier it can reduce the risk for colon cancer.
- SCFAs pass into bloodstream and travel to other organs and they
- a) Mediate better sugar control
- b) Regulate fat metabolism by enhancing fat burning and reducing fat storage.
- c) Reduce overall inflammation of the body which also serves in decreasing the risk for heart diseases.
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- There is only very little scientific evidence on effectiveness of SCFAs supplements.
- So increasing the amount of high fibre food in your diet is the best option to maintain a healthy gut and body.
Remember, the recipe for health and disease is the same. It is food. A good gut is the secret for a happy and healthy life. Studies have proved that the mind and gut are linked. So eating healthy keeps us to stay healthy.
Written by Gayathri Gopinadh