Body language is something that is very natural. If a person is sad or happy or angry we can easily spot it regardless of the language they speak. This is universal and hard to fake. The way we walk, movement of our eyes, our hands, the way we sit or carry ourselves speaks volumes about our personality and what we are up to.
What is Body Language?
These are non-verbal signals that are expressed by our body even without us knowing. Body movements, facial expressions, prosody, vocal volume, speed of speech and movements… all are considered. All of these are collectively known as body language.
- A straight posture, shoulders broad and back indicates confidence.
- Slouching is often indicating loss of interest or boredom. Shoulders curved forward and slouching can represent lack of confidence.
- Maintaining a straight posture not only radiates confidence but also improves the blood supply and breathing. It enhances our energy levels. Good blood circulation and breathing leads the brain to function more efficiently as well as handle matters in day to day life.
- Moreover, an upright posture will change the way you carry yourself and boosts the confidence levels within you.
- Leaning towards you can mean that they are interested in the conversation and leaning away from you indicates vice-versa.
- The distance between two people can tell whether they are close or not.
- Intimate distance: If the distance between two people are such that it allows close physical contact up to 18 inches.
- Personal distance: Distance is between 18 inches – 4 feet.
- Social distance: Distance is between 4 feet – 12 feet.
- Public distance: Distance is between 12 feet and above.
- If a person is lying, holding an eye contact is a difficult thing for them to do.
- People who tend to hold an eye contact while speaking are confident, strong in their opinion and also clear about the things that they are trying to convey.
- Rolling your eyes is showing contempt and disdain.
- Blinking constantly can mean that they are uncomfortable or anxious. Less blinking happens when someone is too focused on something, interested in something or someone.
- Eyes moving to the right when you ask a question suggests that the person is lying because the right side of the brain is responsible for creativity. The person is trying to create a lie.
- Eyes moving to the left upon enquiring something mean that they are trying to remember a fact or an incident. This is because logic and analysis are controlled by left part of your brain.
- People who are in love or are attracted to you have dilated pupils.
Lips and Smile
- Declaring a smile as genuine when the corner of your lips go up, eyes become narrower and wrinkles appear at the corner of the eyes.
- The eye part is missing in fake smiles.
- A smile with lasting intense eye contact, admiration in eyes, eyes following you as you move can suggest attraction or love.
- The more at stress or at unease, the more the lips disappear, into thin line.
- Open or slightly parted lips is showing that the person is in the state of relaxing.
Legs and Walking
- People who are under stress tend to pace back and forth, a lot.
- Firm, fast and heavy footsteps indicates that the person is angry.
- Tapping their feet repeatedly, shaking their legs leads toward the nervousness they experience.
- A person is interested in the conversation when their feet is pointed towards you and feet’s pointed away mean they are not feeling like it to have a conversation or they are not willing to continue it.
- Crossed legs also indicates the unwillingness to continue a conversation.
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- When humans feel confident, strong they tend to spread out.
- It can also mean that you are at a relaxed state. When your mind and body are in a relaxing state, it tends to take up more space than actually intended.
- Trembling hands, sweaty palms, fidgeting mean that they are nervous or scared.
- Finger tapping, pencil or pen tapping is mainly conveying that we are waiting for the time to pass. Move past the situation we are in at that very particular moment. Say waiting for your turn in an interview.
- Hands on your chin means waiting for something or thinking deeply. Rubbing your chin can also depict the later.
- Touching a lot on the eyes, nose or forehead can mean that they are lying or trying to make up something.
- Playing with your necklace or hands on your neck is due to nervousness.
- Clenched hands: This must not be mistaken for dominance or confidence rather it is a sign that the person is frustrated with what is going on and is holding back an emotion or a mood that is negative. Higher the position of the hands more is the negative mood.
- Crossing your hands over your chest can mean that you are not taking what they are saying. More likely a defensive mode on. They do this when they feel like the situation is under their control. It can also mean confidence.
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Apart from all these, another important one to note is voice. The way we speak, the tone we use everything says about the attitude that we hold. Speaking fast happens when we are anxious. Speaking with lots of breaks in between words or speaking incomplete sentence gives away that they are scared. “Ahh, uh, mmm, basically” using these kind of words can mean two things. Either they are not confident or they are processing or finding words to complete the sentence. Clearing your throat or stuttering are suggesting the low confidence or unsurety about whether to have to ask this or not.
Mastering body language can be confusing at first but it definitely gives you an upper hand in any kind of situation. It is like reading and understanding people beyond of what they let you know.
Written by Gayathri Gopinadh