Divya srinivasan

Honeybee Venom In Cancer Treatment: A Promising Approach 

The venom of honeybees, called aspartoxin, has garnered attention recently because it may be used to cure cancer. Numerous laboratory and preclinical investigations have shown the venom’s promising anticancer effects. The venom comprises a mixture of proteins, peptides, and enzymes. This article explores how honeybee venom is used in medicine today to target and treat

Honeybee Venom In Cancer Treatment: A Promising Approach  Read More »

Mental Health Affect By Caffeine: Do You Know How?

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed substances in the world. Many need to stay alert whether it’s a morning coffee, an energy drink, or an afternoon tea. But how does caffeine impact our Mental health? Understanding caffeine’s benefits and potential downsides is crucial, especially as mental health awareness grows. Understanding caffeine’s popularity  Caffeine

Mental Health Affect By Caffeine: Do You Know How? Read More »

Naegleria Fowleri Brain-eating Amoeba: A rare deadly disease

The threat of brain-eating amoeba, also known as Naegleria fowleri. This rare but deadly infection comes from a single-celled organism present in warm freshwater. It can enter the body through the nose and head straight to the brain, causing severe damage. Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is the name of the medical condition. Regretfully, less than

Naegleria Fowleri Brain-eating Amoeba: A rare deadly disease Read More »

What Is Marfan Syndrome and How Does It Affect You?

Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects connective tissue, a network of protein fibers that provides support and structure throughout the body. This connective tissue has a crucial role in the bones, joints, skin, eyes, lungs, and heart. In individuals having this syndrome, a mutation in the gene that provides instructions for building fibrillin,

What Is Marfan Syndrome and How Does It Affect You? Read More »


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