
Telemedicine: Its Top Advancements Transforming Healthcare

Introduction Telemedicine is technology driven medicine to deliver healthcare services remotely. This can enhance access to healthcare and reduce the need for in office visits. This offers a convenient alternative for both routine and urgent care. Therefore, this practice has evolved significantly with advancements in technology, expanding its role in various aspects of healthcare. Importance […]

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Essentials Minerals: Your Body’s Building Blocks

Minerals are Inorganic Compounds, responsible for various functions from building up strong skeletons to transporting oxygen to the cells. They also play a key role in the activation of enzymes. They are also so essential just like Vitamins. If you haven’t know the importance of vitamins for our body, click here Vitamins Essential Minerals are

Essentials Minerals: Your Body’s Building Blocks Read More »

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment.

You are frustrated for not being able to attend a meeting because you forgot the dates or just cannot find your car keys.  You have a cascade of events going wrong following a single moment of memory lapse. Do you know, this happens with older people quite frequently?  Not due to occasional forgetfulness but, because

Age-related  Brain Atrophy And Use Of Phytochemicals As Complementary Treatment. Read More »


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