Aim: To perform the identification test of Honey.
Requirements: Test-tube, Measuring cylinder, stirrer, Honey, Various reagents.
Synonyms: Madhu, Honey Purified, Mel.
Biological Source: It is a sugar secretion deposited in Honeycomb by bees, Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, and other species of Apis.
Belonging to family Apidae, order Hymenoptera.
Colour: Pale Yellow to Brownish yellow
Odour : Pleasant characteristic
Taste: Sweet & Faintly acid.
Chemical constituents:
Honey is aqueous solution of glucose 35 % (± 3%), fructose 45% (± 5%) and sucrose about 2 %. Other constituent are maltose, gum, traces of succinic acid, acetic acid, dextrin, formic acid, colouring matters, enzymes (invertase, diastase, inulase) and traces of vitamins.
Chemical Test | Observation | Inferences |
Honey sample + Fehling’s Solution A & B | Red PPT. | Honey may be Present |
Honey solution + Molisch’s reagent + Conc. H2SO4 | Purple colour rising formed | Honey may be Present |
Identification test of Honey was confirmed.
Used as demulcent and sweetening agent. It is antiseptic and applied to burns, wounds. Used in cough mixture, cough drop. Used in preparation of creams, lotions, soft drinks & candies.
Reference: Kokate. C.K., Purohit A.P., Gokhale S.B., ” A Textbook of pharmacognosy”, Nirali Prakashan, 46th edition, Volume I&II, 2010, 7.39,7.40