What is Agronomy?

Agronomy, ‘Agros’ means field and ‘nomos’ means to manage.

Agronomy is the branch of agricultural science that deals with soil, water and crop management or in other words, it deals with the methods to improve crop productivity in a favourable environment.

Agriculture has been playing a crucial role in the economy of many countries. Present-day agriculture encompasses many forms like shift farming, mixed farming, subsistence farming, advanced farming etc.

Scope of Agronomy

Agronomy finds its scope in the development of agricultural practices, pesticides and pest management, soil fertility, weed control and others. Population is growing but the area under cultivation remains static. To meet the population demand, crop production has to increase.

Who is an Agronomist?

Agronomist suggests farmer for a better crop management
Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Agronomists are plant and soil scientists. They hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Agriculture or an allied subject. They develop innovative farm practices and technologies to boost crop yields, improve farm profitability and sustainability, and protect the environment. Agronomists often specialize in areas such as irrigation/water science, soil fertility, plant breeding, plant physiology, crop management, economics, and pest control, but have the capability of addressing and integrating all the multiple areas impacting crop production.

Additionally, agronomists also serve as professional practitioners, educators, and advisers who work directly with farmers, companies, and others in the agricultural community to implement the latest methods and tools for growing crops profitably and sustainably. They also play critical roles in issues related to global concern, food and water security, air quality and climate change, soil and water conservation, rural communities and economic growth, health and nutrition, wildlife habitat in agriculture and many other areas of public concern.

Agronomists specialize in one or more types of crops. Agronomists, also known as crop nutritionists and professional crop advisers are the vital link between the farmer and their crops.

An agronomist must have a good eye and pay attention to detail.

To sum up, an agronomist are often a farmer’s first contact for assistance in need of advice or in case of an unexpected problem.

Written by Uma Maheswari P


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