What is Theranostics?

The three overlapping circles denote  combination of Imaging, Therapy and Nano technology which is Theranostics

Theranostics, as the name implies, is a blend of diagnostics and therapeutics. filmed by US consultant John Funkhouser in 1998. Theranostics explain developments in science.[1]

Theranostics play a significant role in providing cost-effective treatment plans and are highly efficient in specific medicine protocols.

To be more precise, theranostics in combination with nanoscience provides a better pathway for site-specific cancer therapy.

Let’s know more about Theranostics

Cancer has been the leading cause of death for several decades. Though many traditional therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy are prevalent, there is still a need to overcome certain limitations such as lack of specificity, cytotoxicity, and multidrug resistance. The emergence of nanotechnology paves the way for surmounting the aforementioned limitations and many more. Nanoparticles are tiny particles whose size ranges from 1- 100 nm. Extensive use of Carbon-based nanomaterials for cancer theranostics due to their physicochemical properties and inert nature improves their ability to deliver drugs to the cell without any adverse effects.[1]

How does Theranostics work?

It works in two phases:

1. Phase I, the Diagnostics phase

In the diagnostic phase, a radioactive drug containing a radioisotope is injected into the bloodstream, and with the help of a carrier molecule, it attaches to cancer cells through a specific target. The radioisotope emits a small amount of radiation, which are seen as ‘hot spots’ in the PET-CT scan.

2. Phase II, the therapy phase.

In the therapy phase, a radioactive isotope injected through the bloodstream attaches to cancer cells with the help of a specific target. This isotope emits radiation, which can kill cancer cells, unlike the one used in the diagnostic phase.[2] 


Theranostics offers a more targeted treatment in contrast to traditional treatment methods, which involve history-taking, relevant clinical examinations, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment. They extend the length and quality of life for people who may need other treatment options. These treatments are well-tolerated. Comparatively, the side effects take the lower step to the benefits. [3]

To conclude, theranostics offer a targeted treatment by combining diagnosis and therapy, especially in the treatment of oesophagal, prostate, and breast cancer.

Written by Uma Maheswari P


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