Carbohydrate metabolism
Glycolysis – Pathway, energetics and significance Citric acid cycle- Pathway, energetics and significance HMP shunt and its significance; Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency Glycogen metabolism Pathways and glycogen storage diseases (GSD) Gluconeogenesis- Pathway and its significance Hormonal regulation of blood glucose level and Diabetes mellitus
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Most Important Questions:
- Outline reactions of the citric acid cycle. Give energetic of the cycle and explain amphibolic role of the cycle.
- Outline hexose monophosphate shunt reactions. Discuss biological significance of the shunt.
- Give outline of glycolysis. What are its regulatory steps? What is the energy yield of this pathway?
- Define glycogenolysis? Outline the reactions of this pathway.
- What is glycogenesis? Give reaction of glycogenesis?
- Explain:
- Why aerobic glycosis realease more energy than anaerobic glycolysis?
- How glycolysis can be reversed?
- Citric acid cycle and its energetics.
- Discuss briefly:
- Hormonal regulation of blood glucose
- Glycogenolysis
- Diabetes mellitus Glycogenesis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Energetics of the citric acid cycle
- Oxidation of pyruvate to accetyl CoA
- Write notes on :
- Glycogen storage diseases
- Cori cycle
- Type I and type II diabetes mellitus
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Metabolic syndrome
- Renal glycosuria
- Biochemical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
Carbohydrates Metabolism
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Cellulose, Anomers,Epimers,Mutarotation,Inu,in,Homopolysaccharides,Heteropo,ysaccharides,Hyaluronic acid,Chondroitin sulfates ,Heparin,Glycoaminoglycans,Optic,l isomerism,Define carbohydrates,Give their ,classification.,What are,polysaccharides? Classify them,Explain biological roles of carbohydrate.,Differentiate between starch and glycogen. Outline reactions of the citric acid cycle. Give energetic of the cycle and explain amphibolic role of the cycle.,Outline hexose monophosphate shunt reactions. Discuss biological significance of the shunt.,Give outline of glycolysis. What are its regulatory steps? What is the energy yield of this pathway?,Define glycogenolysis? Outline the reactions of this pathway. What is glycogenesis? Give reaction of glycogenesis? Explain:,Why aerobic glycosis realease more energy than anaerobic glycolysis? How glycolysis can be reversed? Citric acid cycle and its energetics. ,Discuss ,briefly:, Hormonal regulation of blood glucose,Glycogenolysis,Diabetes ,mellitus, Glycogenesis,Gluconeogenesis,Energetics of the citric acid cycle,Oxidation of pyruvate to accetyl CoA,Write notes on : Glycogen storage diseases Cori cycle,Type I and type II diabetes mellitus,Diabetic ketoacidosis,Metabolic syndrome Renal glycosuria,Biochemical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus