Environmental Sciences is the scientific study of the environmental system and the status of its inherent or induced changes on organisms. It includes not only the study of physical and biological characters of the environment but also the social and cultural factors and the impact of man on environment.
Environmental Science (EVS) ebook 2nd Semester Free Download
Environmental Science PDF 2nd Semester
Environmental Science (EVS) free pdf download
Environmental Science free ebook download
Environmental Science (EVS) free ebook download
Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to:1. Create the awareness about environmental problems among learners2. Impart basic knowledge about the environment and its allied problems.3. Develop an attitude of concern for the environment.4. Motivate learner to participate in environment protection and environment improvement.5. Acquire skills to help the concerned individuals in identifying and solving environmental problems.6. Strive to attain harmony with Nature.
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