- Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
- History and development of medicinal chemistry
- Physicochemical properties in relation to biological action
- Ionization, Solubility, Partition Coefficient, Hydrogen bonding, Protein binding, Chelation, Bioisosterism, Optical and Geometrical isomerism.
- Drug metabolisam
- Drug metabolism principles- Phase I and Phase II.
- Factors affecting drug metabolism including stereo chemical aspects
- Morphine was isolated from opium by the German Pharmacist Sertuner in 1806, which marked the introduction of chemically pure active constituents into modem therapeutics.
- Mydriatics base atropine introduced by Mein, Geiger and Hesse in 1833.
- Davy (1778-1829) introduced nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as an inhalation anaesthetic and this was followed by the first clinical experiments with ether in the surgical amphitheater. Perhaps the most beneficial medicinal innovation of the nineteenth century was the discovery of general anesthesia.
- In the two decades 1880-1900 Antipyrine introduced by Knorr (1883).
- Aspirin introduced by Dreser’s in 1889.
- Barbital were innovated by Emil Fischer and Mering in 1903.
- Stolz synthesized the first hormone epinephrine (Adrenaline, 1904).
- Barger and Dale in 1909 made a fundamental study of the effect of chemical structure in the series of Sympathomimetic amines on the physiological effect of these compounds.
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
History and Development of Medicinal Chemistry
3500 BC – Sumerians reported use of opium3000 BC – Chinese reported use of ephedra (Ma Huang)
1793 – Faureroy and Vauquehin established the Ecole Supurieure de Pharmacie i.e. first to incorporate chemistry into pharmacy curriculum.
1803 – Derosome isolated a salt from opium
1817 – Serturner demonstrated the alkaline nature of opium
1817 – Serturner demonstrated the alkaline nature of opium
1818 – Meissner proposed the term alkaloids
1820 – Isolation of morphine quinine and atropine
1842 – onwards general anesthetics were introduced, antiseptics like iodine and phenol were used in surgery
1820 – Isolation of morphine quinine and atropine
1842 – onwards general anesthetics were introduced, antiseptics like iodine and phenol were used in surgery
1853 – Hennery proposed the relationship between the functional groups, modifiers and their reactivities.
1875 – Carl buss isolated salisylic acid from Spirea ulmaria
1884 – Phenazone was synthesized, local anesthetic action of cocaine was reported
1890 – Hoffman named acetyl salicylic acid as aspirin
1890 – Hoffman named acetyl salicylic acid as aspirin
1892 – Benzocaine was obtained by structural modification of cocaine
1894 – Ehrlich reported lock and key theory
1899 – 1901 – Meyer and overton related distribution coefficient with biological activity
1894 – Ehrlich reported lock and key theory
1899 – 1901 – Meyer and overton related distribution coefficient with biological activity
1910 – Barger and dale examined the response of various tissues to muscarine and nicotine
1911 – Barbiturates were introduced as sedative
1911 – Barbiturates were introduced as sedative
1920 – 1930 – Identification of vitamin deficiency diseases and elucidation of structure of various vitamins
1930 – Structure of steroid hormones
1926 – 1946 – Synthetic antimalarial like chloroquine were introduced as a substitute of quinine
1930 – Structure of steroid hormones
1926 – 1946 – Synthetic antimalarial like chloroquine were introduced as a substitute of quinine
1935 – Domagk observed antibacterial activity of sulphonamide dye stuff (prontocil red)
1940 – Florey and Heaton isolated benzyl penicillin1944 -1949 – Isolation of antibiotics e.g. streptomycin, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines
1950 -1960 – Semisynthetic corticosteroids like prednisolone and betamethasone were prepared