Pharmaceutical Jurispredence By N.K. Jain For Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence And Regulatory Affairs is very important for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharmacy) and Pharm D. students. This Book comprises of Syllabus, Introduction, and chapter wise content. Which may help students to understand things smoothy.You can download this book pdf for further studies. You may also use reference books for more knowledge regarding topics and concepts for pharmaceutical jurisprudence.
You may proceed to more reference for B Pharmacy 5th semester Jurispredence, like:
- Forensic Pharmacy by B. Suresh
- Text book of Forensic Pharmacy by B.M. Mithal
- Hand book of drug law-by M.L. Mehra
- A text book of Forensic Pharmacy by N.K. Jain
- Drugs and Cosmetics Act/Rules by Govt. of India publications.
- Medicinal and Toilet preparations act 1955 by Govt. of India publications.
- Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act by Govt. of India publications
- Drugs and Magic Remedies act by Govt. of India publication
- Bare Acts of the said laws published by Government. Reference books (Theory)
Pharmaceutical Jurispredence N.K. Jain ebook 5th Semester Free Download
N.K. Jain Pharmaceutical Jurispredence PDF 4th Semester
Pharmaceutical Jurispredence by N.K Jain free pdf download
Pharmaceutical Jurispredence by N.K. Jain free ebook download
Specs of Pharmaceutical Jurispredence – N.K. Jain ebook:
This ebook comprises of following contents:
- A. History of pharmacy legislation in India
- Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation in India, Its scope and objective, report of commission, new drug policy and the future trends.
- B. Study of the followings with latest amendments
- 1. Pharmaceutical Ethics
- Principles and significance of professional ethics, critical study of code of pharmaceutical ethics drafted by PCI regarding to pharmacists in relation to his job, to this trade and to medical profession.
- 2. Pharmacy act 1948
- Introduction, objective, definition, educational regulation and approval, registration of pharmacists, central and state councils, amendment to the Pharmacy act.
- 3. Drug and cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945
- Introduction, definition, general study of the special references to the C, C1, F, G, H, P and X, Salient features of the storage and labelling conditions of drugs, administration, manufacture, sales and import of drug, provisions for Ayurvedic, unani drugs and cosmetics as amended to date.
- 4. Medicinal and Toilet preparations (Excise duties) Act 1955
- Objectives, background, definition, manufacture and warehousing of alcohol preparation, Procedures, offences and penalties as amended to date.
- 5. Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic substances Act 1985 and Rules
- Introduction, objectives, definitions, prohibited and controlled operations, enforcement, manufacture, cultivation of poppy plants, sales of opium, import and export of narcotics as amended to date.
- 6. Drug Price Control Order
- Objective, definitions, schedules to the order, sale prices of bulk drugs, prices and price list, MAPE calculations as amended to date.
- 7. Patent act
- Objective, definitions, types of patents, procedure for patenting, secrecy of certain invention, surrender and revocation of patents as amended to date.
- 1. Pharmaceutical Ethics
- C. A brief study with a special reference to the main provisions
- Drug and Magic Remedies Act (Objectionable Advertisements) 1954.
- Medical Termination of pregnancy Act 1970 and Rules 1975.
- Prevention of cruelty to animals Act 1960.
- Factories Act 1948.
- Minimum wages Act 1948.
- Consumer protection Act with respect to pharmaceutical services
- Download This E Book for your references. Give your feedback about this EBook/pdf and let us know that where we have to improve the book more. Your suggestions are welcome.
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