Industrial Pharmacy By Lachman and Lieberman For Pharmaceuticals is very important for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharmacy) and Pharm D. students. This Book comprises of Syllabus, Introduction, and chapter wise content. Which may help students to understand things smoothy. You can download this book pdf for further studies. You may also use reference books for more knowledge regarding topics and concepts for pharmaceutical Industrial Practice .
Science and technology are constantly changing fields. New research and experience broaden the scope of information and knowledge. The authors have tried their best in giving information available to them while preparing the material for this book. Although, all efforts have been made to ensure optimum accuracy of the material, yet it is quite possible some errors might have been left uncorrected. The publisher, the printer and the authors will not be held responsible for any inadvertent errors, omissions or inaccuracies.
You may proceed to more reference for B Pharmacy semesters, like:
- Forensic Pharmacy by B. Suresh
- Text book of Forensic Pharmacy by B.M. Mithal
- Hand book of drug law-by M.L. Mehra
- A text book of Forensic Pharmacy by N.K. Jain
- Drugs and Cosmetics Act/Rules by Govt. of India publications.
- Medicinal and Toilet preparations act 1955 by Govt. of India publications.
- Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act by Govt. of India publications
- Drugs and Magic Remedies act by Govt. of India publication
- Bare Acts of the said laws published by Government. Reference books (Theory)
Lachman/Lieberman’s Industrial Pharmacy ebook B.Pharmacy Semester Free Download
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Pharmaceutical Industrial Practice by Lachman free pdf download
Pharmaceutical Industrial Practice by Lieberman free ebook download
Specs of achman/Lieberman’s – The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy ebook:
This ebook comprises of following contents:
- Section I – Principles of Pharmaceutical Processing
- Mixing – RK Khar, GK Jain, EG Rippie*
- Milling – V Jain, GK Jain, N Jain, EL Parrot*
- Evaporation and Distillation – FJ Ahmad, S Suri
- Drying – MH Warsi, FJ Ahmad, AS Rankell, HA Lieberman, RF Schiffmann
- Clarification and Filtration – Nilu Jain, FJ Ahmad, S Chrai*
- Pharmaceutical Rheology – RK Khar, N Mallick, GK Jain, JH Wood*
- Pharmaceutical Utility – FJ Ahmad, A Chaurasiya
- Dissolution – GK Jain, V Jain
- Section II – Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Design
- Preformulation – GK Jain, FJ Ahmad, RK Khar, EF Fiese, TA Hagen
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics – N Jain, T Bansal, J Nirmal, RK Khar, KC Kwan, MR Dobrinska, JD Rogers, AE Till, KC Yeh*
- Pharmaceutical Statistics and Optimization – N Jain, J Nirmal, RK Khar, S Bolton*
- Section III – Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
- Pharmaceutical Excipients and Polymers
- SP Vyas, RK Khar, GK Jain, N Jain
- Tablets
- Part I: Tablet Design
- Part II: Tablet
- Coating Part III: Tablet Punch Forces – GK Jain, N Jain, RK Khar, GS Banker, NR Anderson, K Marshall, JA Seitz SP Mehta, JL Yeager
- Capsules – S Arora, GK Jain, FJ Ahmad, VB Hostetler, JP Stanley
- Microencapsulation – S Hasan, N Kumar, JA Bakan*
- Sustained Release Oral Dosage Forms – RK Khar, FJ Ahmad, SA Pathan, NG Lordi*
- Monophasic Liquids – SA Pathan, RK Khar, JC Boylan*
- Biphasic Liquids – GK Jain, N Jain, S Hasan, NK Patel, L Kennon, RS Levinson, MM Rieger
- Semisolids – FJ Ahmad, MH Warsi, B Idson, J Lazarus
- Suppositories – RK Khar, R Hans, SD Thomas, LJ Coben, HA Lieberman
- Pharmaceutical Aerosols – M Singhal, GK Jain, JJ Sciarra, AJ Cutie
- Sterilization – M Anwar, MH Warsi, N Jain, KE Avis, MJ Akers
- Sterile Products – N Jain, M Anwar, KE Avis*
- Novel Drug Delivery Systems – SP Vyas, B Vaidya, D Dubey
- Targeted Drug Delivery Systems – SP Vyas, SR Paliwal, R Paliwal
- Section IV – Product Processing, Packaging Evaluation and Regulation
- Pilot Plant Scale-up and Production Management – RK Khar, FJ Ahmad, A Vashishtha, S Harder, GV Buskirk, JV Battista*
- Packaging Material Science – H Singh, A Vashishtha, CP Croce, A Fischer, RH Thomas*
- Kinetic Principles and Stability Testing – GK Jain, N Jain, FJ Ahmad, RK Khar, L Lachman, P Deluca, MJ Akers*
- Quality Management: Quality Control and Assurance – V Jain, GK Jain, N Jain, L Lachman, SA Hanna, K Lin*
- Drug Regulatory Affairs – A Vashishtha, SC Kurup, P Masyuni, WR Pendergast, RD McMurray
- Appendix
- References
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