Objective: To prepare stomata slide for microscopic study of stomata – Practical Pharmacognosy
On the outer later of the leaf of a plant are microscopic holes called stomata. They control the gas exchange and loss water by opening and closing. They are usually found on both top and bottom of leaf. Many plants have more stomata on the underside of leaf.
Apparatus: Watch glass, brush, glass slide, forceps, needles, coverslips, blotting papers, sample leaves and compound microscope.
Chemicals: Safranin and glycerine.
- Remove a healthy leaf from the potted plant.
- Remove a part of leaf from the lower surface of the leaf by folding the leaf over and gently pull the peel apart using forceps.
- Keep the peel directly on a clean watch glass containing distilled water.
- Then, transfer the peel to another watch glass containing safranin.
- After 30 seconds, remove the peel from safranin and placed in another watch glass containing distilled water to remove excess stain.
- After this place the peel on the clean class slide.
- Place a drop of glycerin over the peel and cover it with a clean cover slip gently with help of needle.
- Remove the excess glycerin with blotting paper.
- Observe the slide under low power and high power magnification of compound microscope.
Stomata appears as Bean shaped in the microscopic view and surrounded by the guard cells.