Is beauty on the outside or the inside? In 2024, some people still hold racial biases based on skin color. This kind of notion breaks the society. It is high time this colorism gets out of people’s minds. Most people have moved forward, but some remain stuck in the past. Think about enduring a condition where small patches of skin gradually lose color against your natural complexion. Many people around the world suffer this as a daily reality due to a condition called vitiligo. It is not contagious and doesn’t hurt; it just makes your skin look different. In my opinion, Vitiligo is more of a skin rejuvenation process where beautiful and healthier skin is embraced. In the end, beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder.
How does vitiligo occur?
Vitiligo is an auto-immune disorder where your body’s immune system, which helps you protect your cells from germs and illnesses, mistakenly attacks your own healthy cells. Similarly, in vitiligo, the immune system targets the cells called melanocytes to stop working, thereby having an uneven skin color in patches of your body. Furthermore, no exact reason has been found for the occurrence of vitiligo. It may occur at age. Genetic factors and environmental triggers may also play a role in causing it.
Impact of stigma:
People diagnosed with vitiligo go through a lot of social isolation. This is because many are not aware of what it is. World Vitiligo Day, celebrated on June 25th, aims to address this. It is because societal pressure on certain beauty standards has overlooked confidence in oneself. People with different features are often ill-treated, which must be stopped. It’s high time people looked into the character rather than facial beauty. This kind of stigma causes depression and self-consciousness in oneself. Most likely, people discriminate the way they are without understanding what is beneath it. Society must change and become aware of vitiligo. We must wholly eradicate this societal stigma so that people feel confident and understanding of one another.
Stories uncovered with vitiligo:
The most famous personality diagnosed with vitiligo was Michael Jackson. He faced public scrutiny and rumors about bleaching his skin and underwent surgical processes while being diagnosed with vitiligo. This shows how people were not aware of it and how it might look as a surgical process in front of others eyes. He always said he is proud of his line of heritage and values and has never done any process to bleach the skin.
There are many people who are going through this societal pressure. But it’s immensely satisfying to see that on June 25, 2024, many people have posted on their social media platform on the awareness of vitiligo. The theme for World Vitiligo Day 2024 is “United by the Skin.”
Winnie Harlow, a Canadian model, has posted a video and publicly addressed how she was diagnosed with vitiligo. Being a fashion model, her representation is an inspiration for many. It has made her go miles. She has embraced herself in the part that makes her unique.
Many stories remain uncovered and yet to come into the public eye. Furthermore, with a lot of social media in our hands, criticism goes hand in hand. We should pay no attention to it and move forward. But on the other side of social media, we might see people supporting and knowing love and beauty are awaiting for people with unique appearances. It’s all about how we perceive a person; the beautiful, supportive society must be seen more.
Vitiligo is a condition where it is physically harmless but can bring an emotional toll to the diagnosed person. Societal pressure causes emotional distress to accumulate into the beauty standards. It’s quite alluring to know that people are still sleeping in a woke world. Society needs to take initiative and comprehend that we need to defy conventional beauty norms to create a world that is truly beautiful. It’s not the beauty that defines us but rather a kind heart and the empathy that follows.
Society must not push them to isolation but rather support them and encourage them to come forward. Many people with vitiligo cover their face with make-up because of bad societal views. People who are diagnosed with vitiligo should receive substantial social awareness campaigns and social media support. It is not the truth of appearance one should seek for but rather the truth of a kind heart.
Written by Bhavya S